Allen and I are celebrating our 3 year anniversary. It's been 3 years sense we started dating! Crazy! We have been through a lot of trials and tribulations but we have come out ok and are very in love and can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. To celebrate we spent the weekend relaxin in Simi Valley. Friday we just relaxed at our hotel because we got there kind of late. We just watched movies. Saturday we went to the Simi Valley Town Center and walked around the outside mall. Was kind of chilly. We saw these weird fountains outside.

Later for dinner we went to Bucca Di Beppo I had never been there before and it was quite delicious!!!!

We went back to the hotel and hung out. The first night there we went to the hotels mini mart area and got some snacks and while we were looking through the brochures we found a coupon for the LA Zoo. Neither of us had been to a zoo in ages, so after dinner before bed we decided we would go the next day.
we spent all day at the zoo. It was surprisingly empty. But kinda nice to not have to walk around through crowds and dodge people. Although it seemed like every time Allen and I were enjoying a nice quiet area watching animals taking pics and video some family would walk up with all their loud children with no sense of personal space. And we would have to quickly move on. Oh well. We still had a lot of fun. And I got a lot of pictures and video. Putting it all on here would take way too long. All the pics are on my facebook and im still working on putting vids on facebook and youtube.
Here's one for good measure lol