Today I morn the loss of a small gentle friend. A lot of people underestimate rats. A lot of misconceptions like they are mean or dirty and carry diseases. Just dumb animals only good for snake food. And oddly a lot of people get grossed out by their tails. When in reality it's quite the opposite. Also there is a difference between wild rats and domesticated. Of course a rat that's living in the wild and eating and living where it can is susceptible to many diseases and germs. They are foul tempered because they are WILD Animals and do what they need to do to survive. A domesticated rat has had generations of breeding to breed out the wild nature and illnesses. Each one has their own unique little personality. And they are incredibly smart. And they are actually quite clean. Constantly grooming each other. You usually don't need to bathe them unless they get into something. Like a messy treat of some sort and they got it all over themselves.
You may think how is it possible to bond with an animal like a rat? It's possible I have had four rats so far Lilly, Luna, Cinnamon, and Rosie and bonded with each one. They are smart enough to recognize who loves them and takes care of them. Many have described them as mini dogs. My mom told me her step brother used to have one that would hang out and watch tv with him. They love to cuddle and they love to play. They are a lot of responsibility too. Because like all other animals they still get sick and are pron to certain illnesses. Unfortunatly Cancer, Tumors, And Respitory Infections are major killers to these little ones. But with the proper diet and not feeding them cheap generic pet store rat food. They can live a long and happy life often without tumors. I learned with my first rat Lilly. She was so sweet. But it was a learning process with her because I had never had rats before. She ended up growing a tumor because I was feeding her pet store food. Which research has found has ingredients that can cause them to get cancer. And that stuff isn't cheap. Neither are vet visits and tumor removal surgery. Lilly lived a long time even after the tumor removal. But she did die of cancer. Often times all you can do is make them comfortable until they pass. Which is the case with my latest loss. Cinnamon. She was very sweet. I had her for over a year. But this month she developed severe Pneumonia. She started getting real lethargic, breathing real hard because she could barely breath with the fluid in her tiny lungs, not really eating or drinking much, and secreating a large amount of Poriphorin which is a red substance that looks like blood that they produce in moments of extreme stress or sickness. Often from the eyes or nose. So I took her to the vet cost me $91 dollars just for the check up and antibiotic. It's a lot of money but it's worth it when you love something that much and don't want it to suffer. She improved sooo much even by the day after her appointment. She was breathing better more active eating drinking. This morning I went out to give her her very last dose but I noticed something odd. Everyday I would go out to her cage and she would be hiding in the same spot because they are mainly nocturnal so she would be asleep by morning. I would wake her little sleepy head and she would grab onto the syringe and drink her medicine then I would give her some apple juice and let her go to sleep again. This morning I went to her cage and she was already peeking out by the door eyes wide open. I thought thats odd but cute. So I went to open the door but she didnt move her face away and then I knew she was gone. I opened the cage and poor Rosie was still cuddled up to her and trying to groom her. But Cinnamon had already begun rigamortis. It was as if she laid down to peek out of the cage one last time and then her soul left. I tried to be stronger but as I was getting ready for work and the tears just flowed and all I could do was just sit for a while and try to figure out what went wrong and how I could have done better taking care of her. A deep sadness filled me and all I could do was cry while Allen held me. Even worse is I can't bury her until after work so her lifeless body is in a carrier on top of the cage. I prayed this morning that God take her in. With the rest of the loving pets that have come and gone in my life time. So that we may meet again some day. Some may think it's crazy. But nothing can survive without a soul. Many don't beleive animals have a soul but how do you explain the close bond they are able to have with us humans? All the wonderful personailties they have. They trust us and they have emotions like us. They know when we are sick or angry or sad. And they have a way of comforting us and giving back to us as a way of appreciation for what we do for them. Dogs have saved many peoples lives. Pulling their masters to safety. Cats are very sensative to when their owners are sick. My cats always recognize it and cuddle up with the sick person to make them feel better. With all the amazing things animals can do, how can anyone say they don't have a soul? How can anyone think another one of God's beautiful creations wouldn't have a place in heaven?
I know I will see them all again some day. For now I need to take care of my last remaining rat. Rosie. I havn't been able to bond and handle her like Ive wanted to. And she is going to need it now that her companion is gone. And sadly I don't think I will be getting another companion for her. Many people in the rat loving community would critisize and judge you if you have a single rat. I understand why. Think of it as if you were the only one of your kind in a strange place. Wouldn't you get depressed and lonely never having anyone to interact with? No one like you to talk to eat with play with? Thats why it is suggested that if you get a rat get 2. Same sex so they don't breed unless you are a professional breeder. The problem is what happens when one dies and you have one left but you decide after this one you don't want them anymore for a while? But you don't want to give the remaining one away because you love them and don't want to give them to some stranger who could say they are looking for a pet rat but then really take them home and feed them to a snake. But then you don't want to get 2nd one because when the other dies your stuck in the same situation. So all you can do is take care of the loner rat and try to make them as happy as you can until it's their time. Try to make them feel less lonely.
I have to say out of all this. As much work as it is to have pets and as sad as it is when they leave this earth. I can't imagine my life with out them. I have grown up having animals all my life and I love them. Each one is beautiful and unique in it's own way and they have definitly helped me develope into the person I am. And they are a great example of just how amazing God is and what he has done for us. So while I am heart broken from losing my little furry friend. I have no regrets for ever having her in my life. I love you Cinnamon. Your in a happier place now! Leave in peace.
R.I.P. Cinnamon