So apparently there are some Protesters at E3 protesting "Dante's Inferno" A game coming out in 2010 based off of "The Devine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. Look it up it's really interesting. It's a central epic poem of Italian literature,and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature as wikipedia put it.
Taken from the games site:
"Inspired by the real Dante Alighieri, but adapted for a new generation and a new medium, the hero of the game is a soldier who defies death and fights for love against impossible odds. The Italian mercenary Dante returns home from the wars to find that his beloved Beatrice has been murdered, and her soul pulled down into Hell by a dark force. He gives chase, and vows to get her back. For weapons, he wields Death's soul-reaping scythe, and commands holy powers of the cross, given to him by Beatrice" Apparently some so called Christians are protesting the whole thing. Claiming this game will lead you on the path to hell. I don't think they even know where the idea for the game originated. But to be honest it's so over the top it can't be real. Some of us suspect its a Marketing ploy. What do you think? I found this article which it's the only one I have seen so far that has pictures of the protesters and their pamphlets.
On another site someone posted a link to the fanatics website.
This is their site
their official site is such poor quality. Plus the link at the bottom says "Give the game a piece of it's own medicine" but when you click on it, it just takes you to the game site! lol why?! Why would they want you to go learn about the game and have the option to buy it if they say it will lead you to hell? Another thing that gets me is there are only 3 protesters and their site has no area to contact them for support or complaint. This makes me suspicious it's fake. If it's real then it's just another example of idiots thinking they are doing Gods work when in reality they give the rest of us Christians a bad rep and aren't helping anyone. When are people going to understand not everything can be won through protest. Especially not something as ridiculous as this. They use waaaay too many game puns to be real or respected. oh my gosh I mean some of the stuff they had was so cheesy. Like EA=Electronic Anti Christ. Or Turn your Playstation in for a PRAYstation. I dunno im like half and half in believing it or not. All I can say is religious or not you can't go to hell from playing a video game. If it were that easy then they are basically saying Jesus being sacrificed for our sins was for nothing. Sure if you decide you want to start venturing into the occult and hellish activities your definitetly putting yourself in a bad situation and well on your way to hell. But this game isn't even about that so I'm not sure why these protestors are wasting their time. And how many more worse games are out there with much more sex, violence, and occult themes? And those are not based on anything but the fact that they know people will pay the bucks for action and gore. At least this one has some cool history behind it. They aren't accomplishing anything by their actions and they just look like a big joke and adding more fuel to the fire that is the negative stereotype Christians have been perceived as. A good qoute I saw on G4's The Feed Blog "It's not like a few wacky protesters are representative of all Christians." I'm glad someone said it. Most people would have a bias opinion and go off about how wrong and stupid organized religion is. That being said, If you guys are for real please stop protesting for such a ridiculous cause and keep your eyes on the bigger picture and what God really want's you to be doing. You are not reaching out and saving anyone you are alienating them and pushing them away. If this is a Marketing Ploy I am pretty offended by EA even pulling a stunt like that. Pretty distasteful in my opinion. And i'm sure many other people will be angry as well. Would be a pretty shameless attempt to get some publicity. Either way this is really stupid.
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