Happy New Years to All!!!!
Time for the resolutions we all fail to keep. I for one am going to try my best this year to keep mine. It's all about not setting the goal too high. Or setting one easy goal and one hard one. If you accomplish the easy one it might give you a extra boost of confidence and you can achieve the hard one. If that makes sense hahahah. For instance, this year my resolution is to quit being such a neigh sayer. I gripe a lot about whats wrong in my life. But haven't put much effort in fixing it. That can be easily fixed. The hard one is one everyone makes and never keeps. I need to get in shape! Uhg I'm so tired of being a fatty. And this year this has got to change. I need to get my sleep schedule under control again so I can start getting up and walking. I also need to get a job so that I can afford to buy healthier foods. The getting the job part might be a little harder than any of those. But I haven't given up yet! This new year will be better! Not to say 2010 was all bad. I did get married and what not. But it's also the year I got laid off :( But it's ok it's also the year I got out of that hole of a job. :D it's all about perspective. And this year I hope to be a more positive me. Here I come 2011!
I think getting in shape is the hardest of all. its so easy to fall into bad habits.