Everything seemed perfect. Until things started happening. I was starting to get worried. First, the date we set the trip on didnt go well with our work pay period. So everyone was low on cash. Then situations kept happening where people couldn't go. Then the remaining people started catching colds. On top of that we found out it was supposed to rain that day. I asked him everyday are you sure we should go this week what if we just waited another week or so? But nope he insisted we go when we planned. Plus it was the only time Randy could go. Allen and I were pretty sick so we just slept and took meds until the day before. We had to decide and see how we were doing and if we were even going to go after all. He said it was up to me. I asked him will you be terribly disappointed if we don't go this week? He said yes but he knew that we were sick and didn't want to push it. Well because we slept so much and had decent medicine I was feeling ok enough to go. And I didn't want to disappoint Allen even though I knew he understood. So in the morning we left. Allen, Me, Randy, and Silver(my brothers girlfriend). My sister and her friend would meet us later.
We get there and wait for the tram to take us to the entrance. We started at California adventure. The first ride they wanted to go on was Tower of Terror.
There's no way anyone could get me on that ride. So I waited outside while they rode. Allen felt bad for leaving me behind so he said I could choose what we do next. So I said the monsters inc ride. We get there and it's closed. But Silver and I did get a picture with Sully from Monsters Inc. hehehe

So we said ok toy story mania. We get there...it's closed...uhg ok so we go to this place I cant remember what it's called. It looks small on the outside but you go inside and it's a room filled with massive screens and they play songs from disney movies while showing concept art from the films. There are other doorways to different activities the area we always go in starts out like a wizards magic room. you can see neat animations in there and the magic mirror from snow white is in there and he talks it's cool. you go in a bit deeper and you end up in the Beasts library from Beauty and the Beast. You can take this interactive quiz to see what Disney character you are.
And the room changes it's pretty neat. If you stand in there long enough it goes from the beautiful lit up library then lightning flashes and the room gets dark and more cursed like in the story. When your done in there you follow the path and you end up in Ursala's grotto. It looks like your under the sea in the sea witches cavern. there are small chambers you stand in with friends or family and you can voice over songs or clips from movies. It's hilarious. Especially when the guys tried to sing high pitched. After wards we left that area Silver said "Candace you havn't even been on a ride yet." We were going to get on soaring california but the wait was too long. So we went and saw the 3D muppet show.
Allen and I had been checking on the weather all day. And when we came out of the show it was looking pretty cloudy outside and getting kinda cold. We all were thinking nooooo stay away rain. We went back to Soaring CA and the wait and line were waaay short. So we decided to go this time. I had never been on it so I had no idea what to expect. We tried to stay entertained in line. I really needed to blow my nose and so did Allen. we all agreed since there isn't much more to do in CA adventure that this would be the last ride there then off to Disneyland. It actually turned out to be more fun than I thought. Aside from the cheesy intro. But the way the ride was set up and the fact that you aren't really that high up. It was just neat. And we got to see part of Allen's home town in the ride. :0D Plus when we got out it was sunny again and no clouds. Whew close call.
We made a bathroom stop and blew noses and did what you do in bathrooms then proceeded to Disneyland. You always appreciate Disneyland so much more when you start at CA Adventure lol. We started off on Buzz lightyear.
Silver had never been on that right so she and I shared a cart. Was really fun and I think I got a higher score than I ever had on that ride.

It was nothing compared to a few other peoples but it's still cool. We walked around trying to figure out what to do next. They wanted to go on Pirates of the Caribbean. I have a love hate relationship with that ride. I hate hate haaate the 2 drops in the beginning but I absolutely love the rest of the ride after that. I musterd up the courage to go on it when Allen and I had gone a year ago. But this time I just really didnt want to. But I was going to go on it anyway so that they could. Allen didnt want to leave me behind so we wouldnt go on rides if I didnt want to. But then I felt bad and didnt want to be a party pooper. Lucky for me we got there and that ride was closed too. Man what the heck?But I didnt care I was quite relieved in fact heheheh So we decided to go on Haunted Mansion. Since it was Christmas at Disneyland the Haunted Mansion was Nightmare before Christmas style.
Was pretty cool but I agree with Silver I still like the original Haunted Mansion better. We found out silver had also never been on Winnie the Pooh so we went there and guess what? Closed! hahah why were all the rides closed? They said ohh theres been a honey spill......what? hahahahah Oh well we went to eat. We ate at the Hungry Bear. Was pretty good from what I could taste. My nose was kind of stuffy. We stopped at a few shops Silver and I bought some clip on ears. I got pooh ears and Silver got minnie ears.
We kept seeing a few random people wearing so we made it our quest to find them. She also got my brother some cool drum sticks. It was starting to get dark and Allen and I were feeling really crummy. We had left some of our medicine in the car thinking we wouldnt need it. so we decided to split and go get those while Randy and Silver went on other rides that they knew I wouldn't go on, Splash Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean. I cant remember all of them but yeah Allen and I traveled and got on the monorail. We were talking and then Allen says uhhh is that raindrops on the window? we stuck our hand out a little bit and it was starting to sprinkle! nooo! We got off the monorail and headed to the tram area so we could get to the parking structure. It started sprinkling a little harder. I was dreading the rain because I knew we were supposed to watch the Holiday firework show but if it rained they would most likely cancel it. And we were only going to be there that night! I prayed. I asked God to please hold it back make it go away so we can complete this wonderful day with no problems. We got to the parking area and found our car. We took our medicine and parked our care somewhere closer so we wouldnt have to walk forever at the end of the night. And by the time we went back out to get on the tram to take us back the clouds were gone! Was a miracle! I was so relieved I think we all were for more reasons then I knew. So we met back up with Randy and Silver we had to bring them their coats because they were wet from splash mountain. I was keeping in touch with my sister via text we would meet up when we were gonna see the fireworks. The 4 of us decided to go on finding Nemo.
This ride usually has a huge line but all day we kept ending up with short wait times. We expected the park to be packed because it was 2 days after thanksgiving. But it really wasnt that bad. The finding Nemo ride is just ok. I kind of wish I had gone on the submarine rides as a kid I keep hearing from people they were better before the Nemo revamp. Its a cute ride. After words we went on a few other rides I had never been on before. I tried the Matterhorn for the first time. That was uber fun. Not what I expected. It was fast but no drops but still exciting. I loved it.
Then at 7:55 pm we returned to the Indiana Jones ride. We had fast passed it earlier before we went on the jungle cruise. And I am so glad because we would have been waiting FOREVER if we didnt the line was huge. I had been afraid of this ride sense I was a kid. I had never been on it but commercials and the way people described it made it sound so scary. So I never went on it. But I decided to finally just try it. And it was so worth it!!! That ride rocked! All the super scary stuff I heard about wasnt even that scary. There were no drops and it was just very exciting. :) I would definitely go on it again.
After that ride it was dark and getting closer to firework time. We went scouting for a spot. Allen and Randy asked a worker where the fake snow would come from so we found a spot on the street near one of the snow machines. All our phones were dying but I had just enough time to call my sister and they found us. We sat around and shared snacks and talked and joked around.
It was nice. I dont get to see my sister too often so it was nice to be there with her. Then finally the show starts. It was neat. Disney really knows how to put on a good firework show. And they always know how to make it all emotional with their inspirational music. The fireworks were a lot shorter than I remember but it was still neat. Once it ended we looked around for the snow. Then I looked up to my right and pointed it out to my sis and her friend. We looked at that then they gave me a big hug. It caught me off gaurd. Then I heard him. A simple "hey" from Allen. And as I turn around everyone in our little group is looking at me and Allen is on one knee with the ring and asks "will you marry me?" I was stunned. I never knew what I would do when this moment came. Because to be honest most of my life I never thought I could ever get a boyfriend much less get married. Some wemon jump around and scream, some wemon cry. I never thought I would do either. But at that moment all I could say was "yes" then the tears came and I cried tears of joy and placed the ring on my finger.
He held me and even admitted he got teary eyed. They were all happy for us. Got lots of hugs. I think I would have jumped around more in excitement if I wasn't sick. It was all so surreal. It was one of those, did this whole day just happen? type of things. I love my ring and I love Allen so much!!! My sister and her friend had to leave an hour or so after all that. We went on a few more rides and exploring before we left. Winnie the pooh opened up again so we went on that. Then Star Tours which I love but I got real worried for Silver who got motion sick. but never puked! Good for her! But I felt so bad :0( I forgot how easily she gets effected. By midnight we were ready to be home. So we left :D
It's been a week since it all happened. We are both feeling a lot better and everyday it sinks in more that Im actually engaged and we are so excited. Allen has been even more wonderful than usual. He is completely dedicated to being one as a couple. And making decisions and doing things together. I mean he was like that for the most part before, but now even more so because we are engaged. I want to start planning the wedding. My mom is panicking about the money. So she says to take it easy right now. Which I understand My sisters wedding cost a lot and the economy is rough right now. Besides I dont want anything to be rushed. Things will happen when they happen. I am just excited and so looking forward to spending my life with the man I love so much. I can not wait to marry him. :D