Well once again Allen won something from Twitter heheheh. Not that it's a bad thing. We have been to some really fun events this past year because he is so good at finding deals and contests. This time wasn't something we were anticipating and trying real hard to go to but it turned out to be an exciting night.
September 25th Allen saw a promotion on twitter for a free ticket to Movico for a special Uncharted 2 event. Uncharted 2 is the sequel to Uncharted obviously. Both games for Sony play station 3. They were offering only fifty free tickets and all you had to do was give some information. They were having these events all around the U.S. Allen looked into it further and saw that they were holding one in thousand oaks! thats like 30-45 mins from where we live. So he quickly gave his info and within minutes received his ticket online. He was also able to bring a guest of course :0) the only problem was the ticket only said his name and no info about guests. He tried contacting representatives and never heard anything. He looked it up online and saw other people were just as confused. He kept in touch with other people who won the tickets and finally someone confirmed that they were replied to and they could bring a guest. So that settled it. We waited a week or two until Monday the 7th came around.
We left work early that day and headed to T.O. and we got to Movico an hour early. There were a good amount of people there. But due to technical difficulties they couldnt register any of our tickets yet. But we did enter a raffle. So we waited a bit tried to stay focused. A couple times we thought of leaving. Allen is mostly a Xbox360 player. But he did like Uncharted. And he doesnt like to miss opportunities for free tickets anywhere heheh. So we stuck around until they finally started registering people. We lined up and they checked names. Turns out there was going to be a gaming tournament so they were splitting people into teams. I was getting worried because I had never even played the first game and I am so awful at shooter games. I kept telling Allen I refuse to play. They cant force me. Turns out that if you brought a guest then only one out of the two could be in the tournament. *soooo disappointing* lol jk I was releived and obviously Allen was going to compete so they put the wristband on him with his team name and we went back to wait. we were standing for a good while and our legs and feet were starting to get tired so we decided to sit by this large pillar. But wouldnt you know as soon as we sat down the line started moving and they let people in. uhg lol The doors were suppose to open at 5:45pm but we didnt really get in until after 6 pm.
It was a very nice theater. This was the first time we both had been to a Movieco. Most of them are in Florida. And then there is one random one in Illinois and another in Thousand Oaks California. You get inside and there is a nice large screen and the seats were plush and leather. And some reclined. Up at the top of the seats Bogarts the restaurant upstairs was catering this event. We got free food and drinks and popcorn. It was delicious!

At the bottom was ten smaller screens and play station 3 consoles. Thats where the teams would compete. Then on the big screen they would show one or two peoples games during the tournament. There were about 12 teams and three rounds in each elimination.
The first thing to get started the MC comes out and introduces himself and gets the crowd all excited. He then introduces one of the Co Creators of the game and the rest of Naughty Dog Games(the game developing company).

He gave us some background on the game and the Co creator let us watch a few mins of never before seen footage. Then the first out of three raffles. This round the winner got a pack of assorted games. Allen nor I won. We were looking to win something because we know we can sell it on ebay and game stuff usually goes for a lot and we could use the money right now. But alas raffle one nothing. After the raffel the first two teams were placed up to the consoles. The rules were explained and the rounds began. It was fun to watch. 10 people on multiplayer mode. Some people took it really serious trying to strategise and other people were there to have fun. And if they won the grand prize it was a bonus. There were three prizes to win. 3rd place was a signed Uncharted 2 poster by the Naughty Dog crew. One for each player on the team. 2nd place got a signed copy of the first game. Which im sure most people will sell because if your at the premier of the 2nd game you most likely have the first one already. And for the 1st place grand prize. You get a pre release copy of the Uncharted 2 game a huge art book filled with game art and a life size replica of a special dagger from the game. There are only 200 of these made in the world. A rare and expensive item for free if your team beats 11 other teams. This tournament went on from 6-11Pm. Was intense. And the pressure was on for Allen. See Earlier in the evening we found out that every contestant who participated, even those who lost. Wont leave empty handed. Every contestant still got a pre release of the game and a t shirt and a poster. So Allen and I thought. Well there is no point in having a dagger replica or art book. There is no where to put it. And with 200 only its a rare item. If he won that he could still have the game and sell the collecters edition for mad money on ebay. Much needed money. He just wanted to game and he already got that just for being a player. The pressure was on. Not only was he not as familiar with PS3 controls but they didnt allow inverting in the contest to make it fair. And Allen always plays with inverted controls. So he was quite nervous.
His team didnt do as well in the first round but every round after that they won. Well first elimination round they made it. There was a second raffle for a Duel Shock PS3 Controller. We didnt win that either. Dang it. We got to see more game play footage and then round two with only 6 teams left. And once again Allen's Team prevailed. We were getting excited. At first we didn't think we had a chance at winning the grand prize but they made it to the second round and it gave us a little more hope. Well by the third round they showed one more exciting piece of footage. and then the third raffle this was for a PSP Go its the newest version of the PSP which is a potable playstation kind of like Sonys version of a gameboy. And a bluetooth gaming headset. Oh man we really wanted to win that could go for a lot for sure. But nope :0( actually a guy Allen knows was there and he ended up winning that. Was kinda funny. Well it was time for round three and they called for the remaining 3 teams captains to go down to the gaming area. Allens team captain got there first. Then the 2 others. Well Allens team and one other team swept the others in the previous round which means the other team didnt win one round against them. But because there were three teams left his team and the other team who swept had to flip a coin for a bi. Allens team won the toss which means that the other two teams had to play each other first and whoever won that went against Allens team.
So finally it comes down to the very last elimination rounds it's Allens team vs. the other winners. I was up in the seats praying to God please let us win. We need the money so bad and just be with him and his teammates and let then stay calm and keep a steady head. Help them win I trust you God. I felt a feeling of calmness and knew it would be ok no matter what happened as long as I trusted. 1st round boom Allen's team wins. 2nd round and last round because you only have to win 2 out of three. I was on the edge of my seat biting my fingers my palms cold and sweaty. The guy sitting next to me asked if that was my boyfriend down there and I said yes. He chuckled and said I figured heheh he saw how anxious I was. The time was almost up and Allen's team was ahead one point and BOOM! times up and Allen's team wins the tournament!!!!!!!! Crowd was cheering and I was so proud of him. And his teammates. Was so amazing and so surreal. Even Allen was like did that really just happen? And not only was his team named Fortune Hunter but that was the name of the collectors edition!!! We joked saying it was fate.

Unfortunately they weren't given their prizes up front. Instead they were given an affidavit. Stating what they won, that they wont go stab people with the dagger, and that they have to pay taxes on the prize they worked so hard for. UHG! I was kind of annoyed at that but thanks to this wonderful government like all large prizes you have to pay taxes on them. So I guess nothing is really free. And another annoying thing is they have to get this form notarized. Which isnt a bad thing but none of the reps could do it! SO now each person has to go find a way to get it notarized then mail it out and wait for a large box to be delivered. Luckily we know people at work who can do it. So now we just have to do that and wait for the prize. Im really interested to see how much it will sell for. Not only is it a pre release but a special edition worth $300+ Video game stuff goes for a lot when its rare and people think they absolutely have to have it. Last Christmas or the one before Nintendo Wii's were hard to find and they were selling for over $1000 on ebay. We are hoping we can get a good amount. We have bills and other things we need to pay for. :0S After signing things and getting their gift bags a small group of young people came up to them. Apparently they are from a not so well known gaming site and wanted an interview with the team. So that was kind of cool.

Oh man it was such an exciting time. And I thank God I met Allen. We have experienced so many amazing things together. Ahhh! Good times.
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