So weeks after that last bit of drama, Allen and I hung out with our buddy Charlie and some of his friends for his birthday. Was a fun drama free night with some great funny nice people.
But we still felt like getting out of town and just relaxing away from it all. Well we kind of got to this past week. Blink 182 got back together this year and Allen had bout tickets for us months in advanced because once Blink announced they were back together tickets sold like hot cakes. SO anyway we welcomed the vacation. We left late Sunday afternoon took about two hours maybe a little more because we hit some traffic.
We got to our hotel in Bakersfield and it was nice. It looked fairly new but it was so bizarre because there were hardly any guests. Ive never been to such an empty hotel. But Allen made a good point it was the end of the weekend and not many people would be out there at a hotel on a sunday monday. So we went to the room to check it out and it was nice flat screen tv but no fridge or microwave?! We opened the bathroom door and turn on the light and there was a small cockroach scurrying in there!!! It seemed odd it was a nice hotel and how did a roach get on the 3rd floor? Allen killed it. We didnt really say anything because im sure every hotel has at least one. Especially the area we were in. Now if we saw another I would have complained but we were good the rest of the time.
One of the great things about there not being many people was we had the fitness area and the pool all to ourselves.
Was nice we swam for an hour or two just enjoying the peacefulness and time to ourselves. And it was an indoor pool so I felt a bit safer. It was wonderful. But I knew we had a lot to do the next day.
The next day we woke up got some food and went to the bank. I checked my account to pull out some cash for merch but some how I was -$52. How?! The hotel maybe took the payment out already? Even then I should have had more than enough. I checked on my phone but I couldnt tell what it was. I was kinda bummed. But Allen said he would buy me something. So we went to his bank and what he was negative $3?! What the heck was going on? he checked his and Gamestop had taken out a hold payment earlier than they should have. We were fed up with the banks so he still pulled the money out. So we get to the Rabobank Arena and we waited three hours.
Was ok because we just entertained ourselves and got some free merchandise from stands. We had seen pictures online of people with Tom(guitarist of Blink 182) masks and we got one of those its pretty funny actually.
Also reps for the different bands and sponsors walked around taking pics of people that we could retrieve from their websites. Clever of them. But I only care about the pictures and I think so did most people heheheh. I felt no need to go surf their sites after I got my pics. Oh well here's the ones they got of Allen and I.

It kinda sucked because we waited a long time with other people who waited even longer so we could be some of the first in. But when they finally opened doors a lot of people rushed to cut with all their friends. There were a lot of annoying kids there too. Some I think most likely ditched school to come. Luckily there was a security check so not many got to really run in and cut. So we get inside the arena and security tells all the people in the pit including us to sit on the ground. Allen went to use the restroom and get merch then came back with our stuff. I dont know why we had to sit on the floor because once the first opener band came out some of us almost got trampled. It really sucked. And then kids from the back kept pushing and shoving to get up front. That I expected because we experienced that at the Dragonforce concert. I just dont understand why they did for Asher Roth which was the first group. They were awful. Another rediculous white guy acting gangster trying to rap about how he is sexual and gets ladies and loves weed. Literally two seconds after they start singing you can smell weed in the crowd. we had to suffer through being pushed around for this joke? But I knew Allen was super excited about Blink and likes being up close so I tried to endure it. Asher Roth wasnt on for long anyways. But then the worst happened. Taking Back Sunday came out and al the high and drunk teenagers when balistic. The pushing and shoving turned into suffocating and crowd surfing and fighting for your life. It just got so bad. It got violent and you can just tell in some of these peoples eyes they just didnt care about anything but themselves and getting up front no matter who it hurt. No I know moshing and shoving is pretty much a regular practice at most concerts but this was the worst experience I had ever had. There were some girls smaller than me and im 5'4" who had to be taken out of the crowd and security helped pulled them out. I tried so hard to endure it for Allen. He was behind me the whole time. But after a while I really could not breath. We started being showed every which way and I was seriously scared I would either die from falling and being trampled to death or just suffocating. Allen started noticing I wasnt doing good and I told him I couldnt breathe. I was literally hyperventilating gasping for breath. He tried telling the people in front of us and security I needed out but the music was too loud and all I could do was yell for God and for help. I was terrified and Allen was too. He was getting pushed away from me. He tried to help me get to the side to get out but there were too many people. Some idiot kid who looked possessed pushed right through us and separated us. I would have cried if I could breath. Allen grabbed my hand and we found this big guy in the crowd who was helping people out. He asked if I was ok and Allen said she cant breath he tried to calm be down and some how cleared a space in the crowd so I could take a breath. Then him Allen and someone else tried to lift me but another wave of people pushed and he had to put me down. I almost lost hope until some how he cleared the path and they pushed me up to a security guard who helped pull me out. But no one told me where to go so not only was I scared and trying to breath but I was lost and even more worried when I realized Allen wasnt with me. It was a sea of people and hands. And just as I was about to panic he came running around and held me and reassured me we were ok now. We waited for a minute and I took a puff of the inhaler we originally brought for Allen.
Once I caught my breath we went up stairs to concessions and got water. we waited and relaxed and regained our composure until Taking Back Sunday was done. We went back to the pit but we stayed further back with our water and watched Blink from a good distance. Close enough to see their face but not close enough to almost die again.
I felt bad for the people in there still. People actually started throwing beer and I could see the people smoking weed. Security did nothing. They were too busy trying to keep people from the stands from rushing to the pit. We saw security actually take down a guy and handcuff him we dont even know why. It was scary how ridiculous and violent people got over some bands!
I apologized to Allen because I felt like I let him down because we weren't up front for the one band we went for. He assured me my life and safety were much more important. And even he said it just got way out of hand. And that he almost lost his breakfast because of how smashed we were. He made a good point when he said. If it was that bad during the warm up bands. How bad do you think it will be in there during Blink? I love him so much. Any other guy would have had a bad attitude about it. But he saved me and was so understanding. I was relieved he was safe too. We were happy standing in our safe area as we finished the concert. The encore was awesome because Travis(drummer) did his platform act where him and his drumset go up in the air on a moving platform and spin and stuff while he plays an awesome drum solo. It was amazing.
After words Allen and I went up to the top and took pics which show just how many people were there.
I had never seen a supercenter. We only have one walmart near where we live and it hot and dirty and smelly and disorganized in there. This superstore was amazing! it was air conditioned and it just had everything. It was real hard to not spend a lot of money. We got a few items. Then headed home. We were home maybe and hour and we learn Allen's mom was going to Disneyland for her birthday the next day so the family was going out for dinner that night. hahah We were so tired. But we love his family and his mom so it was nice being there with them. It was a good time and we were glad to see her have such a happy birthday. When we got home that night we knocked out. It was so good to be home and safe in the comfortable bed.
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