Recently I had a chance to go to Medieval Times again. I had not been there in a few years. First time was in 7th grade second was about 2 and a half years ago with my family. This past Saturday semi spur of the moment I went with Allen and His best friend Randy. Was a ton of fun but quite scary getting there. We saw one accident on the other side of the highway and were glad we weren't stuck in traffic. But once we got to Valencia near Magic Mountain we were almost involved in one ourselves. The odd thing was there was no traffic what so ever. It was our car then three more cars in front of us one with a boat behind it. We were driving along having a good time and then Allen noticed the three cars in front of us slow down real fast. Then we realize they hadn't just slowed down they completely stopped! Allen acted quickly and turned but this other car in front of us did at the same time and almost hit us in the process. Allen acted quickly and we never got hit or hit anyone. But the first two cars had some serious damage part of the boat had actually gone in the back of the one car. The only mystery is how this accident happened. The only thing we could think of was they were probably both staring at Magic Mountain and not paying attention. The very first car must have slowed down while the one behind it sped up. Well it was nerve wrecking because when we hit L.A. traffic was awful and needless to say we were driving very careful after our incident.
So we get to Buena Park but our Show was at 6 and it was already 6:05. Randy called to see if they started at 6 or let people in at 6 but sadly we found out the show had already begun. We went all that way and we didn't make it. Luckily there was one more show at 8:15 and the lady on the phone said she could switch us. So we had some time to kill and decided to drive to Downtown Disney since it was only 15 mins away. Was pretty funny because after finding our way there and parking and looking for a store to go to. We only had time to be there about 10-15 mins. We went in one store then drove back to Medieval Times hahahah. Oh the ridiculous fun I have with those two.
Well so we finally make it and we get in line. Which takes kind of a long time because they let only a few people in at a time. We get up to the sign in area and tell the lady that we switched over the phone. She looks at her list and our names aren't on there. Are you kidding me? We switched early enough they could have printed a new list. But she let us in to go get into another line that took even longer to switch our shows. I don't know what these booth people were doing but it look like 10 minutes per person in line. Uhg! We finally get up to the booth and get our new tickets then proceed to the Museum Of torture. Pretty fun. Before entering we are handed a flag and a paper crown for the color of the knight we are cheering for. There are about 6 different knights. So anyways on to the museum. I remember walking through it as a kid. It's a short walk through and it shows all the different Medieval Torture devices. Some were pretty gruesome. All very creative. Im just glad I live in this modern world hahah.
I think the worst one I saw was the "Judas Cradle" hahah I can't even understand how this works.

The cool thing was our knight was the Blue Knight and our color was chosen to go into the arena and be seated first. Some how we scored Preemo seats as Randy put it. We were expecting to be all the way at the top in the tables because we switched so late but we were second row at the bottom where all the action is! Awesomeness.


Knights are chivalrous so at certain moments during the show they will toss flowers out to the girls in the audience. A single carnation. Both times I have gone I have had no luck in catching one but this time our knight threw one right to me! Hahah doesn't really mean anything but still neat that I caught it!

Once the show ended we all proceeded back to the main hall where there was a bar and the gift shop. We looked around in the gift shop. You can see the horses they used in the show behind windows. Kinda cool except their stalls looked way to small. Everyone was drinking and partying with the actors in the bar area as we were leaving and keep in mind people can buy alcohol during the show too. So there were some people getting kinda crazy around there. We walked out to our car and as we were getting in we noticed this girl backing up in a van and it had a few others in it. Allen and I were joking around because she looked side to side but didn't bother to check the direction thats most important when backing up. BEHIND YOU! lol Allen called it. Right as he was saying if she backs up anymore she is going to crash into that Medieval times van over there. You hear "CRUNCH" hahah she backed into it! She got out for a moment to check mainly her car. Then sped off as we laughed. Thats why you don't drink and drive folks hahah. Well anyways so we drove home and got there safe. No more accidents thank goodness. And that ended our interesting Saturday Medieval Times Day.
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