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Live in a small town with my family and my wonderful husband. Just living life as it is right now.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I need a job!

If only it were that easy.....love this picture though hahaha

BLAH!!! I am getting so tired of there being no work! And by no work I mean jobs im qualified for. Sure I could settle and go work fast food or whatever job I can find(which i am so often told to do). And yeah any money is better than NO money. But there comes a time in life when you have to stop and look at the bigger picture. I am 24 and my goal is to move out of my parents house with my husband, find a decent safe place to live, start a family and be financially stable. Am I going to achieve that if I am barely getting minimum wage at Carls Jr.? Maybe if I was in high school and I just needed some cash to go out with my friends or buy gas. But I need to get my foot in the door to a well paying job. And I am starting to think they just simply do not exist in this county. My husband and I are on unemployment which can get us by for bills right now. But that wont last forever. Is it just me or does it seem like there is no point searching anymore? We get 3 newspapers. And I remember when I was younger the job section used to take up 1-2 pages. Now your lucky if you can find 10 jobs advertised. And most of them are either for nursing, telemarketing, and other jobs that require a bachelors or higher to even apply. What about the regular working class? What about the people who's parents couldn't afford to pay their entire way through college? What about those who chose not to go because they don't want to be forever in debt from student loans? What about the average Joe that just needs a job? The hard working average American who may not have a degree but is still just as qualified to and ready and willing to learn? It's like unless you know someone working at the desired job you have no chance. I hope this economy gets better really soon or we may have to move to Canada or something.


  1. I cant imagine when I finally graduate college in the Spring and have to find a job!

  2. Its rough. There are a lot of people with degrees on unemployment too. I guess it depends on the field your looking to get into. And don't take me wrong I didn't mean all people in College had wealthy parents who could pay for them. I know a lot of people work their butts off to pay for school or some were smart and got scholarships and grants after high school. I was just venting lol :op
